
Delivering on Education


From kindergarten to retirement, Everfi builds a compelling digital curriculum that demands thorough research and design planning to engage with users. Everfi had a storied list of bespoke educational courses but most patterns and process' were not well documented. There were many inefficiencies and gaps in the cross-functional team process that caused delays in onboarding and execution.
Design Lead
Art Direction
UX Design
Product Design
  • An extensive library of bespoke content offerings in a walled garden of tribal knowledge.
  • Drastically different design systems with oddly similar user needs across platforms.
  • User testing limited to general unmoderated platforms with no end user data.  
As part of my onboarding I audited the courses and their varied design systems. Teams had been solving similar problems by borrowing solutions without full adoption of templates.
Interview stakeholders
Many courses and platforms are previous builds that need a revamp to meet modern standards. UX designers have unique access to SME, designers, PJMs, and external resources.
Identify pain points
Younger users were speed running. Elective learners wanted less 'gamified' content. The solution was finding common ground to unify both learners into cohesive patterns.
Structure & Iterate
Previous teams built bespoke patterns aimed to solve old user goals. Most solutions were iterations of the same concept. My goal was to identify deprecated patterns and  rebuild with auto-layout formatting.
User age range from 8-75 and prove difficult to interview. Testing was previously limited to unmoderated testing. Persistence paid off and my team secured moderated testing with end users. A better gauge on how the product is being implemented and shared.